
This is how our alpaca wool products are made - Behind The Scenes

Always wondered how our alpaca wool products are made? It is done by a wonderful community of wool weavers in the Andes Mountains, who with passion, love and skill make all of our products. But what is this really like? We show you.

How are our alpaca wool products made?

When it comes to how our alpaca wool products are really made, sometimes a video can tell more than words. So take a look Behind The Scenes in this video and enjoy a small clip showing how our alpaca wool products are made by a community of passionate wool weavers in the Andes Mountains. What is paramount about the work done by our community is the positive and fine working conditions. The ancient tradition is carried out by and continued by a community of wool weavers in the Andes mountains, something that we before the Alpaca Loca brand loved to see and which made founder Annemarie eager to work together. Above all, what is paramount is that the craftsmanship is preserved and the community remains happy. Above all, all products are made by hand, so everything is created with quality and care.

Working toward a sustainable future

A community of wool weavers in the Andes mountains is not something you see all the time in the world of fast fashion. It is precisely because we create our products in the most sustainable and fair trade way possible that we hope to contribute to a sustainable future. As long as there are enough brands-whether big or small-that promote sustainability and fair trade products first, we can take small steps forward toward a sustainable future. And with enough small steps, you end up taking many big ones.

Talk to you soon!
Alpaca Loca


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